Our Story

Our Story

About us - Our Story

We believe that we are uniquely placed to support organisations who wish to change how they work. Our product expertise, technical understanding and real-world hands-on transformation experience sets us apart. We are not power-point consultants, ivory-tower architects, or academic theorists, we are real world enterprise transformation practitioners.

We have designed and/or delivered transformations for some of Australia’s most well-known brands across multiple sectors including banking, insurance, telecommunications, energy, and education.

Throughout our careers we have seen many transformations come and go, we understand what it takes for change to stick. We are moving beyond ‘agile’ and rigid frameworks to networks of teams, radical responsibility, and superior outcomes.

The Team

Desirable Futures is borne of our commitment
to improve the world of work for everyone.



Alidad Hamidi

Alidad Hamidi



Dave Witney

Dave Witney



Ross MacIntyre

Ross MacIntyre

Get in touch with our team and learn how we can help you achieve your strategic objectives.

Get in touch with our team and learn how we can help you achieve your strategic objectives.